"The Lesbian suffers more from the feeling of being unwanted and shunned than from any illness. Heterosexuals suffer just as much from these feelings. As a group, homophiles and heterophiles face the same social and mental problems, have the same feelings and the same fears."

In addition, the speaker said, Lesbians fear ridicule, rejection and loss of employment if their secret is found out.

All minorities suffer because of the few undesirables in their midst. Thus the "obvious" Lesbians create in the public mind a stereotyped picture of all Lesbians. "But if you act with grace and good sense you have nothing to fear from this picture.

"Negative habits are found in all persons. The Personal Adjustment Bureau's job is to balance all negative habits with positive habits and place the person in a position to enjoy life socially, professionally and personally with a better understanding of life in general.

"Just because you are different in your love object does not mean that you have to suffer throughout your life because of it," Miss LaVere emphasized.

"The largest problem of the homosexual individual is not his homosexuality as such.

"The big issue is his rejection by society, his feelings of guilt, his overcompensation for attention and position in his job, his social position and his society.

"The main object of all people, regardless of their sexual preference, is to be able to live and get along with others. When all who deal with emotional problems accept the premi se that homosexuality is not a mental illness but rather a deviation from accepted social behavior great headway will be made in helping the homosexual reach a satisfactory adjustment to himself, his society and his worth to his community."

Through a series of colored slides Miss LaVere showed her conceptions of the various negative attitudes plaguing most people. These included fantasy, sensitivity, jealousÿÿ procrastination, mental cowardice, stubbornness, anger and envy. By understanding why these attitudes are with us most people, with proper guidance, can replace them with positive attitude s bringing happiness, self-confidence, patience, tolerance and understanding.